Yamaha G1 Gas Golf Cart Piston Ring Set C Standard Size Gas Plunger Ring

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Yamaha G1 Gas Golf Cart Piston Ring Set C Standard Size Gas Plunger Ring

SKU QGPJ.00469 Category Tag

Increased Performance: Yamaha golf cart piston ring set includes replacement rings for your golf cart with guaranteed maximum performance. The golf cart piston moves up and down in the engine cylinder is an integral part of the mechanical function of the engine
Functionality: Golf cart piston covers prevent the leakage of oil into the engine s combustion chamber of your cart and also prevent combustion pressure from leaking into the crankcase which makes these a vital part of your golf cart
Best Replacement: These OEM (original Equipment Manufacturer) replacement piston seals are used on Yamaha G1 gas golf cart models. They provide increased performance and protection for smooth running of your golf cart
Design Pattern: These plunger rings are designed with vertical clearance so that they can freely move within the groove, and are induced to move by the angle of the crohatch pattern honed into the cylinder wall
Enhanced Output: This is a standard size piston peal set which provide better output. Most high performance and racing engine builders purchase piston rings in standard and oversize in order to file fit them to very precise end gaps which results in better output
This golf cart piston ring set for Yamaha G1 golf carts
OEM ((Original Equipment Manufacturer) replacement part
Includes replacement rings
Testing has shown measurable increases in horsepower and decreases in blow-by as a result of properly fitting the ring end gap to the operating conditions. Proper ring end gap can more than double from one engine to the next depending upon different factors

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