Tell you why golf cart starter motors get hot

Symptoms of a Bad Starter Generator

A bad starter generator might leave you picking up the pieces after it blows over, due to overheating. You might even find yourself stranded once it fails to turn over the motor and start your golf cart.

The starter generator generates current for the cart to operate on. It relies on the electromotive force supplied by the battery. It consists of a coil of wire, which when moved produces a current in the coil. The coil is connected to the main axle of the cart for the necessary movement of wires.

The starter generator doesn’t just generate current in the cart. It’s critical in charging the battery, starting the car, powering carts’ lights and also serve as a limited power source when needed.

There are a few simple identification methods though that can easily tell you if you have a bad starter generator or not.

The following are four common symptoms that of a bad golf cart starter generator.


  1. Turning the Key Doesn’t Turn the Cart On

This can happen if either your cart’s battery or starter generator is out of order. Check if the lights on your cart are working. If yes, then it’s a bad starter generator. If no, then something is wrong with your cart’s battery.


  1. Cart Taking a Longer Time to Crank

If your cart is taking longer than expected to start cranking, then you probably have a bad starter generator. This might happen due to a battery issue as well. A simple check with the lights on your cart will help you locate the fault again.


  1. Starter Generator is Overheating

A bad starter generator gets hot quickly when the cart starts moving around. Within a short time, it might start letting out smoke as well. Once the smoke starts coming out of it, you know that your starter generator is damaged.


  1. Jammed Pulley of Starter

The pulley that connects the starter generator to the main axle of the cart can get rusted and jammed. This can impede its free movement. The rust may reach the starter generator as well making it necessary for you to replace the whole setup immediately.

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